hear from my past clients


holly’s testimonial

Breathwork with Rachel has given me a new, powerful way to reconnect with my own wisdom and get unstuck. I've always left our sessions feeling empowered, connected to my truest self, and at peace. And Rachel has this amazing way of working with me to find just the right way to approach each session so that it gets to the heart of whatever I'm dealing with. I'm so grateful for the judgment-free, supportive space she creates to work through vulnerable topics. I can't recommend Rachel more highly.

- Holly

Andrea’s testimonial

I started breathing with Rachel back in February out of curiosity, I had heard about breathwork and the incredible benefits it had. Our first session I felt like something in me broke open, I continued to breath with her twice a week for the next two and half months. While at first I noticed a lot of resistance, I slowly started to feel safe in my body during breathwork, the panic that would normally arise was gone. I felt like I was able to take this with me into my day to day. I no longer felt like life was happening to me, I felt more at ease with life and like I was co creating with the universe versus reacting to it. One of the biggest shifts I had was pausing when having a conversation with someone and feeling safe experiencing my emotions versus trying to process them and move quickly through the discomfort. I feel more detached from how things need to happen and more open to allowing things to unfold as needed. I couldn't recommend breathwork with Rachel enough. She is such a magical guide. Her earthy, grounded energy is beautiful and allows for you to feel safe exploring different themes.


MIchelle’s testimonial

The experience was unlike anything I had tried before. As a health and wellness enthusiast, I find it challenging to sit and be still. Meditation is challenging, but what I enjoyed most about breathwork is that I could have an experience similar to meditation where my mind was quiet and focused, but I could be active and shake out the feelings. Rachel is amazing at understanding what experience I needed each time. One day I needed calm and another time I needed to shake out the day. Overall, I wish to incorporate in my routine going forward and hope that you do too.


Bid boss logo

I wanted to drop you a quick thank you for offering the breathwork session on Monday with Rachel. It was a new experience for me and, interestingly, reminded me of a physical therapy session a while back that released both physical and emotional tension I hadn't realized I was holding on to. During the exercise, I particularly enjoyed Rachel's introduction and reminder that we physically store emotions in our bodies.

-Employee at Bid Boss

The session was really great, thank you again for facilitating. Everyone who participated did agree that it was relaxing and flew by with learning the new breath techniques.

- Favor HR team

The session was fantastic. We loved it and slacked about it for the rest of the day. Thank you so much!

- Finch CEO, Lizzie